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Showing posts with label DSLR camera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DSLR camera. Show all posts

Panduan Pintar Memilih Kamera Digital: Sukses Promosi Produk dengan Visual Berkualitas Tinggi

 Bagamaimana cara untuk membuat pilihan tepat: Tips Memilih Kamera Digital untuk Sukses dalam Promosi Produk baik untuk bisnis online maupun offline?

 Dalam era digital saat ini, visualisasi produk menjadi kunci utama dalam mempromosikan bisnis, baik secara online maupun offline. Memilih kamera digital yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan promosi produk Anda merupakan langkah krusial. Tiga jenis kamera yang paling umum dipertimbangkan adalah DSLR camera, mirrorless camera, dan point-and-shoot digital camera. Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang tepat.


1. Pertimbangkan Kualitas Gambar dan Resolusi:

 Kualitas gambar adalah faktor utama dalam menarik perhatian calon pembeli. DSLR dan mirrorless camera umumnya memiliki sensor yang lebih besar dibandingkan point-and-shoot, menghasilkan gambar yang lebih tajam, detail, dan berkualitas tinggi. Pilih kamera dengan resolusi tinggi untuk memastikan setiap detail produk tercapture dengan sempurna.


2. Kemampuan Video:

 Dalam era konten video yang berkembang pesat, memiliki kemampuan video yang baik pada kamera Anda sangat penting. DSLR dan mirrorless camera biasanya menyediakan opsi rekaman video dengan resolusi tinggi dan kontrol manual yang lebih baik. Pastikan kamera yang Anda pilih mendukung format video yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan platform promosi Anda, seperti YouTube atau Instagram.


3. Portabilitas dan Kemudahan Penggunaan:

 Jika Anda sering berpindah-pindah lokasi untuk pemotretan produk, pertimbangkan portabilitas kamera. Mirrorless camera cenderung lebih ringan dan kompak dibandingkan DSLR, membuatnya lebih mudah dibawa-bawa. Point-and-shoot camera adalah pilihan terbaik untuk portabilitas, namun, pastikan kamera tersebut tetap memberikan kualitas yang memadai.

 4. Autofokus dan Kecepatan Pengambilan Gambar:

 Ketika merekam atau memotret objek bergerak, kecepatan autofokus menjadi krusial. DSLR dan mirrorless camera umumnya menawarkan sistem autofokus yang lebih canggih dan cepat, memastikan Anda dapat menangkap momen dengan baik. Jika produk Anda melibatkan aksi atau kecepatan, ini dapat menjadi pertimbangan penting.

 5. Lensa dan Aksesori:

 Ketika memilih kamera, pertimbangkan keragaman lensa yang tersedia dan kebutuhan aksesori untuk mendukung jenis pemotretan yang Anda lakukan. DSLR dan mirrorless camera seringkali memiliki pilihan lensa yang lebih luas dan aksesori yang lebih beragam, memberikan fleksibilitas lebih besar dalam menciptakan gambar yang unik dan menarik.

Selain asesoris yang tepat untuk kamera, pastikan pula anda membeli external microphone agar suara presenter bisa masuk dengan jelas dan minim noise. 


6. Harga dan Budget:

 Pertimbangkan budget yang Anda miliki. Point-and-shoot camera umumnya lebih terjangkau, sementara DSLR dan mirrorless camera dapat memiliki harga yang bervariasi. Namun, dengan perkembangan teknologi, beberapa mirrorless camera entry-level menawarkan kinerja yang luar biasa dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau.


7. Evaluasi Sistem Stabilisasi Gambar (IS/VR):

 Jika Anda sering beroperasi dalam kondisi cahaya rendah atau tanpa tripod, pertimbangkan kamera dengan sistem stabilisasi gambar (IS/VR) yang baik. Hal ini dapat membantu meminimalkan getaran dan memastikan gambar dan video tetap stabil, meningkatkan kualitas produksi.


8. Ulasan dan Rekomendasi:

 Sebelum memutuskan, cari ulasan dan rekomendasi untuk kamera yang Anda pertimbangkan. Pendapat dari pengguna lain dapat memberikan wawasan yang berharga tentang kinerja kamera dalam pengaturan nyata dan membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang lebih informan.



 Memilih kamera digital yang tepat untuk promosi produk dapat memberikan dampak besar pada kesuksesan bisnis Anda. Pertimbangkan kebutuhan spesifik Anda, gaya fotografi, dan budget yang tersedia. Setiap jenis kamera memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing, jadi pastikan untuk memilih yang paling sesuai dengan visi Anda untuk memastikan bahwa produk Anda dipresentasikan dengan cara yang menarik dan profesional.





Photographers can still be creative even if they stay at home

Photographers in general really enjoy hunting photos or videos outside the home, especially if they are crazy about making short videos. There are many photographers now have a new focus as a filmmaker, whether as a hobby, some have even begun to pursue it as a new way to make money. This is all because of being fascinated by the success of Vloggers or YouTuber who achieve high income.

However, not all photographers ready for action with any additional equipment to make a video out of their photo studio. Don't worry, you only need to bring a DSLR or mirrorless (MFT) camera. 

Do not be bothered with all the new weights that make your backpack too heavy. If you need any smartphone you can maximize to create a cool video, especially if you can not simultaneously pull out your DSLR camera from your bag. 

Now, because there is a Covid-19 threat, you need to be vigilant so you don't get exposed to the Corona virus, which is a global pandemic. This horror situation forces you to stay at home. Get ready to start your career as a qualified content creator. Make one room in your house as a mini film studio.

Yes, this is the momet that you optimize one of the rooms in your house as a studio, which you may have used often before Covid-19 haunted the world. You can also turn your garage into a studio to make video tutorials.
photo studio, content creator, make video, YouTube, vlogger, camera, DSLR camera, mirrorless camera, Covid-19, Corona Virus, Stay at home, working from home, photographer
Start filming your first video while staying at home (

You don't need to build a fancy and sophisticated studio. Just put a red or blue cloth in the background, a studio light. You can rely on the microphone that is embedded in your camera. If you are not satisfied, buy an external microphone online. No need to buy a mic that is too expensive. It is very good if you already have a soundproof room. But that is no big deal, because today's cameras or smartphones are equipped with a decent recording system

You need to prepare certain themes and simple scenarios in your brain to make the pilot project a start. Because you are a photographer, you can share your expertise. For example, you make a video tutorial about lighting, simple techniques about street photography, and crucial things that beginner photographers need to know. You certainly have a myriad of experiences for you to share. With your sincerity, your first video will definitely get a good response from your audience.
photo studio, content creator, make video, YouTube, vlogger, camera, DSLR camera, mirrorless camera, Covid-19, Corona Virus, Stay at home, working from home, photographer
A simple mini studio at home (

After you "succeed" in making the first video, just do a simple editing. Add short music at the beginning and at the end of your video. Make sure that you use videos that are copyright free. You can download it for free on the dashboard of your YouTube channel. Please read the terms and conditions that apply carefully, so you are safe from copyright issues.

Don't worry, you won't run out of ideas. You have more than enough experience as a photographer. Now is the time for you to share your knowledge and skills with novice photographers.

Well, if you get stuck, you can make a cooking video. Maybe you are good at making pancakes. What's more exciting is making Dalgona Iced Coffee. If you already have a husband or wife, make your partner one of your presenters. It is very good if this kind of video is made with your partner. This will prevent you from running out of narrative material. Make sure you smile when making videos, remember to take a shower before starting this creative activity.

There is an interesting video example, a video made by Roy Rafael, a promising young photographer who lives in Jakarta, Indonesia. Please watch while drinking Dalgona Ice Coffee or eating Cassava Chips, who knows you will be inspired by Roy Rafael's action in this video, which is made so relaxed and casual in his home.

Are you ready?

Fujifilm S9400W prosumer camera with a superzoom lens

If you're looking for a prosumer camera with a superzoom lens or megazoom, in addition to the Olympus Stylus SP-100, you can choose Fujifilm S9400W. Keep in mind also, that Fujifilm has released three cameras recorded optical camera zomm large enough bersamaa the S9400W, S8600 and S9200, so you have a complete comparison when you are going to buy a camera to accompany you on vacation, without having to carry a DSLR camera which is usually heavy and expensive.
DSLR camera, Fujifilm S9400W, superzoom camera, prosumer camera, kamera prosumer, Wi-Fi built-in, new prosumer,
Fujifilm S9400W with Fujifilm S9200. Image:
If you look carefully, Fujifilm S9400W performed with a body like a professional DSLR camera. The Fujifilm S9400W boasts a 50x zoom lens covers a 35mm equivalent roomates focal range of 24-1200mm and features a 3-stop lens-shift image stabilization. 

With the type CMOS sensors up to 16.4 megapixel resolution, making this camera is capable of producing sharp images and has a fairly good detail. Thanks to support optical zoom which can enlarge up to 50 times, then we can memofoto objects with large distances without reducing the quality of the resulting image. For those who like to shoot at shorter distances, it could use a 1cm macro feature (o, 39 "), so you can take pictures of flowers in the garden, or butterfly-cousin who was perched on a blooming flower.

Do you want to make a movie or a video clip? Fujifilm FinePix S9400W is able to be used to record video in high resolution. He is also capable of video recording in a choice of the resolution 1280 x 960 pixels at 60fps, 640 x 480pixel resolution images at 30fps and a maximum of 1920 x 1080pixel, however Fujifilm FinePix S9400W only provides H.264 format, but you have to get the video in Full HD resolution in stereo sound.

Fujifilm S9400W include a 1/2.3-inch 16.4 megapixel backlit CMOS sensor, a 3-inch 460k-dot LCD monitor, 201k-dot electronic viewfinder, and 5-Axial image stabilisation. If you want to make a rapid sequence of photos, the FinePix S9400W has features to capture images quickly and continuously. This camera features continuous speed at speeds up to 10 fps. For cahanya sensitivity, Fujifilm FinePix camera S9400W is able to work on an ISO range of 100 to 12800.
Fujifilm S9400W, superzoom camera, prosumer camera, kamera prosumer, Wi-Fi built-in, new prosumer,
Fujifilm S9400W with Wi-Fi connectivity. Image:
As a modern prosumer camera, you will enjoy using Fujifilm S9400W because you can easily transfer images wirelessly from the FinePix S9400W to your smartphone or tablet after installing the free FUJIFILM Camera Application app. 

The S9400W has been equipped prosumer Wi-Fi connectivity, even there are no troublesome ID and password settings. All you need to do is press the MENU button on the back of the camera then add the images instantly to your blog or share them with friends through social network sites such as Twitter or Facebook and Instagram. You can also use the FinePix S9400W's built-in Wi-Fi to save your photos to your PC, so you no longer need to connect the cable as the other cameras that do not have Wi-Fi.

Fujifilm S9400W compare with other prosumer camera
Fujifilm S9400W, superzoom camera, prosumer camera, kamera prosumer, Wi-Fi built-in, new prosumer,
Fujifilm S9400W vs other superzoom camera in 2014. Image:
Fujifilm S9400W closest competitor is the Canon PowerShot SX510 HS is a small superzoom camera with a 30x zoom lens. You can also compare S9400W with other famous cameras such as Kodak PixPro AZ521. This new camera from Kodak is a superzoom camera features a massive 52x zoom lens with a focal range of 24 - 1248mm. Other highlights of the affordable Kodak AZ521 include a 3 inch LCD screen, full 1080p HD movies , and a 16 megapixel CMOS sensor. That will blow you away is the Nikon Coolpix P600, Nikon also a prosumer camera that is equipped with an incredible 60x zoom lens. The Nikon P600 also has a back illuminated 16 megapixel CMOS sensor, 3  inch 921K dot vari angle LCD screen, full 1080p high-definition movies with stereo sound and built- in Wi-Fi connectivity.

In addition to Kodak and Canon, you can also compare Fujifilm S9400W with prosumer cameras with super zoom lenses like the Nikon P600, the Panasonic Lumix DMC - FZ72 super zoom camera, which is also known as the DMC - FZ70. Like the Nikon P600, Panasonic DMC - FZ70 it also features a massive 60x zoom lens with a focal range of 20 - 1200mm. Apparently the camera manufacturers increasingly compete in a prosumer camera enthusiast indulgent, even Sony's even crazier, because you will be astonished at the range of the zoom on the Sony Cyber ​​Shot DSC-H400, a compact an incredible superzoom camera with a 63x zoom lens. Wow.

New Fantastic Digital Cameras in 2014

Discover New Fantastic Digital Cameras in 2014.
We certainly will enter the year 2014 as the year of the horse, and many surprises will occur, as well as many rumors and news announcements about new digital cameras from various brands. You will have a choice of high-end camera, or digital camera with a more friendly price.

Canon will announce a new EOS-1 series body in 2014, a “high end” DSLR camera. The test units will be arrive on March 2014 and final product probably will arrive in Q3 or Q4 of 2014. The prototypes will be tested at the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Nikon is rumored to announce Nikon D4x in 2014.

New Canon EOS-1, Hasselblad H5D-50c, Fujifilm X-T1, Nikon D4x, Olympus OM-D E-M10, Phase One IQ250,
Phase One IQ250. Image:
You also can see a new Fujifilm X-T1 is a X-mount camera with weather-sealed features in January 28, 2014. Fujifilm X-T1 is a SLR-styled mirrorless camera bearing Fuji’s 16MP X-Trans CMOS II sensor, borrowed from its X-E2 sibling, and built-in Wi-Fi with remote capture, and a tilting 3.0-inch LCD. Its built-in 2.36M dot EVF is similar to that of the XE-2, though it boasts a higher 0.77x equivalent magnification and claimed lag time of 0.005 seconds.
New Canon EOS-1, Hasselblad H5D-50c, Fujifilm X-T1, Nikon D4x, Olympus OM-D E-M10, Phase One IQ250,
New Canon EOS-1Image:

New Canon EOS-1, Hasselblad H5D-50c, Fujifilm X-T1, Nikon D4x, Olympus OM-D E-M10, Phase One IQ250, new mirrorless camera, DSLR camera
Fujifilm X-T1. Image:
Another fantastic news for camera fans: Phase One has announced the ‘world’s first CMOS-based digital camera back’ – the 50MP, Phase One IQ250. It uses a 44x33mm sensor, which is 68% larger in area than 35mm full frame, and equates to a 1.3x crop of the standard 645 format. 
   Hasselblad also announced their first 50MP CMOS sensor, Hasselblad H5D-50c medium format camera. This is a substantial step away from the CCD sensors that have been standard in digital medium-format imaging up to now and potentially opens up the possibility of higher ISO sensitivities and faster capture rates than previous Hasselblad medium-format bodies. 

If you want to buy an affordable mirrorless camera, you will be happy to hear that Olympus unveils the OM-D E-M10, a budget-friendlier Micro Four Thirds ‘Digital OM’ with many parts borrowed from the E-M5 – starting with its 16 megapixel sensor. This camera also smaller than Olympus E-M5. Olympus OM-D E-M10 equipped with TruePic VII processor and built-in Wi-Fi for image transfer and remote control. It falls short of its siblings with ’3-axis’ image stabilization rather than the ’5-axis’ system in the E-M5 and E-M1, and doesn’t provide an accessory port, but these concessions help nudge the E-M10 to an attractive price point.
With the presence of various cameras, as mentioned above, you might be confused to choose, but you can take advantage of the opportunity to get a special discount on Chinese New Year until mid- February 2014. You do not have to buy the latest camera to get the best camera. 
New Canon EOS-1, Hasselblad H5D-50c, Fujifilm X-T1, Nikon D4x, Olympus OM-D E-M10, Phase One IQ250, new mirrorless camera,
Hasselblad H5D-50cImage:

The last two years the camera technology is not much different, only certain game features such as creative filters and size of the sensor , so the difference is not very significant . You do not need to be overly affected by the temptation of features or sensor size.

Many cameras which have been launched since 2013 or even cameras in previous years, it is well worth your consideration for you to have, especially DSLR cameras and mirrorless cameras because the lens can be changed according to the need of photography or the photographer's creativity. You can save a lot of money, so that you can invest to buy various types of latest and original lenses.

Memilih Nikon D5300 atau Canon EOS 700D

If you are still confused to choose a DSLR camera Canon or Nikon's creation, then you can compare with the Nikon D5300 to Canon EOS 700S. Both are entry-level class camera, but has features and upscale camera technology. You can choose whichever sophisticated because both cameras are sold at affordable prices.
Nikon D5300 vs Canon EOS 700D, NIkon VS Canon, DSLR camera, new camera, Full HD Video, DSLR entry-level
Nikon D5300 vs Canon EOS 700D. Image:

Apakah anda punya rencana untuk membeli kamera digital baru dalam waktu dekat ini? Barangkali anda ingin langsung memilih kamera DSLR, dan membuang impian untuk memiliki kamera Prosumer atau kamera mirrorless dan kamera saku. Anda ingin segera merasakan nikmatnya kamera yang lebih profesional. Untuk itu anda perlu mengetahui dari mana anda harus memulai, katakanlah merek apa yang ingin anda pilih, apakah Canon atau Nikon? Padahal di luar itu ada merek lain seperti Pentax, Sony atau Olympus, bahkan ada kamera DSLR yang diproduksi oleh Sigma. 

Baiklah, karena Nikon dan Canon punya pengaruh besar pada photographer pemula maupun profesional, maka pada kesempatan ini kita mulai saja membandingkan kamera yang cukup baru, Canon EOS 700D dan Nikon D5300. Apakah anda merasa cocok dengan merek ini?

Apakah anda terpengaruh dengan persaingan Canon dan Nikon?

Kamera Canon VS Nikon yang mana akan anda pilih

Canon vs Nikon, Nikon Camera, Canon Camera, Canon lens, Digital SLR, DSLR camera, Pentax K-30, kamera baru, photographer pemula
Perang abadi, Canon VS Nikon. Image:
Canon and Nikon cameras have become legendary brand, so when a beginner asked to choose a new camera, so that immediately comes to mind was, Nikon or Canon. How about you?

In this article, you will see the difference between Nikon and Canon cameras. If you are not yet fluent in Indonesian, please use a translator feature that can be found on the right bar of this site.

Untuk photographer pemula, pasti ada kebingungan ketika akan membeli kamera (Digital SLR) untuk pertama kalinya. Anda akan melihat iklan berbagai kamera dan lensa dengan banyak fitur umumnya terbungkus dalam jargon teknis dan sering sulit untuk dipahami pemula. Bagaimana Anda menyaring semua itu untuk menemukan kamera yang tepat untuk Anda?

Anda akan menemukan dominasi luar biasa mereka di pasar amatir profesional dan high-end. Jika anda bertanya kepada para photographer, maka kebanyakan akan menyarankan anda untuk memilih Canon atau Nikon.

Apakah ini perlu, atau ada pilihan lain yang mungkin lebih cocok dengan kebutuhan pribadi Anda? Jika anda cermat, maka anda akan menemukan kamera dengan sistem lensa saling dipertukarkan (interchangeable lens) di pasar saat ini, termasuk kamera mirrorless, DSLR tetap cermin dengan viewfinder elektronik misalnya dari Sony, dan kamera D-SLR tradisional.

Apakah anda juga terperangkap mitos Canon dan Nikon?

Panasonic Lumix GX7 cocok untuk creative photography

Panasonic Lumix GX7, DSLM camera, mirrorless camera, creative filters, effect filter, interchangeable lens, new mirrorless camera, new digital camera, DSLR camera, kamera kompak
Panasonic Lumix GX7 cocok untuk holiday. Image:

Panasonic has now become a serious competitor that can attract the attention of the enthusiast digital cameras, especially for photographers who want to try new alternatives to accompany them when holidays, social events, family gatherings and other daily activities as well as to support entrepreneurs and business executives.

Panasonic has made ​​a digital camera with various features that resemble a professional camera or digital SLR cameras, such as the Panasonic Lumix GX 7. Various features and capabilities that exist on this camera you can count in a variety of shooting situations. The camera is lightweight and easy to carry anywhere, compared with a DSLR camera.

Ketika anda ingin memiliki kamera yang praktis dan bisa dihandalkan untuk proses kreatif anda, maka anda akan membayangkan sebuah kamera professional atau kamera DSLR, yang umumnya berat dan bisa merepotkan anda dalam perjalanan atau kegiatan anda. 

Kini anda tidak perlu pusing lagi karena telah banyak pabrik kamera yang menawarkan kamera berukuran kecil, ringan, canggih dan bisa memenuhi impian kreatif anda, misalnya Panasonic Lumix GX7.